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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Monks study science, and campus life

Even amid the diverse crowd on the Emory campus, six new students stand out. They are Tibetan monks from India, sent by His Holiness the Dalai Lama to learn science and teach it to other monastics as part of the Emory-Tibet Science Initiative.

While learning biology, chemistry and physics, the young monks are adjusting to a culture of pizza, laptops and Facebook. "It seems like here, time is moving very fast," says Kunjo Baiji, one of the student monks. "In India, time is slowed down and there is enough time. But here, everybody looks very busy."

As part of Tibet Week at Emory, Buddhist studies faculty and students will take on science faculty and students in a debate on evolution, karma, reincarnation and ethics. The debate begins at 7:30 this evening in the Carlos Museum Reception Hall.

Monks + scientists = a new body of thought
The compassionate mind

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