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Monday, June 24, 2013

Freshman friendship fuels bio-tech business

Watch a TEDxAtlanta talk by Solazyme co-founder Harrison Dillon, above.

Diane Cardwell wrote a feature for the New York Times about Solazyme, a company founded by two Emory grads who are using algae to create clean fuel and other products. Here’s an excerpt from the article:

"Starting when they became friends in freshman year at Emory University in Atlanta, Jonathan S. Wolfson and Harrison F. Dillon would take off into the mountains of Wyoming and Colorado for weeks at time. They spent their days hiking in the wilderness and their nights drinking bourbon by the campfire, talking big about how one day they would build a company that would help preserve the environment they both loved.

"They graduated, and the backpacking trips grew shorter and further between. Mr. Dillon went on to earn a PhD in genetics and a law degree, and ended up working as a biotech patent lawyer in Silicon Valley. Mr. Wolfson received law and business degrees from New York University and eventually started a software business. But the two still got together every year. And they kept talking about the company that, they imagined as time went on, would use biotechnology to create renewable energy."

Read the whole article in The New York Times.

Oil change

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